All you May and June brides! Your wedding was a whirlwind event of food, dancing, friends, family, and love. The day flew, right? You probably didn't have a chance to talk to everyone you wanted, if not for a fleeting hello. Now's the chance to thank them for coming, and of course, for their gift. I think more and more people are pleasantly surprised to receive a hand written note in the mail, so it's a sure way to show your appreciation for the gift and time they invested into coming to your wedding! Here is a short guide on how to make this process as easy as possible. First, get organized! Keep a spreadsheet of all your guests and include their address, phone number, and most importantly, the gift they gave you for your wedding. This will make things super easy for you. You will be able to track your progress, plus you won't have to go through piles of paper to find the guest's information. You just got done planning one of the most important days of your life-planning that took months, maybe even years! Now the last thing you want to do is sit down and write out hundreds of thank you cards. To keep yourself from getting too stressed, start writing the cards as soon as your start receiving the gifts. Try to have a timeline and send out all the thank yous within two weeks of receiving the gift, and no more than three months after the event. If you stick to writing just a few thank yous per day, you will avoid sounding too uninspired and rushed. Also, splitting the duty between you and your spouse is not a bad idea either! It is totally acceptable for you to write the ones for your friends and family while your spouse does the same. This will split the time in half! Here are some quick guidelines to follow when writing the message- -Keep it brief, but heartfelt in four to five sentences. -Make sure you identify the gift, tell then why you appreciate it, any personal meaning the gift may have, and also state how you plan on using it-whether it be money or a lifetime membership to the Jam of the Month Club. -If they came to the wedding, be sure to thank them for attending too! Check out this blog post on thank you cards-not just ones for weddings! Good luck!