Behind the scenes - business musings
December 04, 2010 | 0 comments
Running a business is one of the biggest challenges I've ever faced. (beyond raising two children and maintaining a healthy marriage, that is!) I didn't know much about business when I started, and based the business on the merit of the designs, personal customer relations, and perfect end product by using amazing printers and calligraphers. But, there's so much more to running a business than that, and with five years in, I'm still honing the processes that keep this place running. It takes constant re-evalution, (trying new things, and then going back to the core), creativity, communication with wedding friends, bloggers and press, and amazing support. This week, I've felt the stress of wearing all the hats that small business owners need too, as Margie and I maintain all the departments: Design, Marketing, Sales, Business Management, and Production. But this morning, waking up to a bounty of snow, and the whole house still asleep, I took the time to put everything down on paper that has been swimming round my head, and organized it into the above departments. I felt immediately more organized, and a whole slew of blog ideas poured out after that. Breaking everything down into the above categories showed me exactly what we both do, and gave me a clearer picture of the months ahead, as we head into busy wedding season. So excited for the things to come this new year!
- Tags: Behind the Scenes,