How I love you, your rich and complex color. Your ability to complement so much, and doing it so naturally, with such warmth! I've been your friend for a long time now, CB, and you've been so loyal to me, but we have seen so much of each other lately. I have a confession: I've been seeing your friend, Charcoal Grey for a while now, and I have to admit, he makes me feel sort of, well, cooler. I still love you, CB, and I'll be back soon if you'll have me, but for now, let's limit our time together, and I'll enjoy you more sparingly. I may lose my will power, and may visit you in your other forms, like your cousin, Taupe, or your older brother, So Dark He's Almost Black-Brown. Until then...

Dearest Sarah Drake,
I can’t bear the thought of losing you to Charcoal Grey, Taupe, or any of my close hues. I am saturated with sorrow. What if I change? I can adapt. I can look quite different depending on the light in your eyes. I remember when only I was the center of your color wheel.
They say if you love someone set them free, and so it shall be. But be assured that I will be waiting in the wings, taking notes from my calming friend Navy and Yellow.
All my love to you, Sarah Drake.
I’ll wait,